
It’s nice to meet you!

I received my masters in occupational therapy from Boston University in 2012. Since then I have worked in various settings with children and families who have experienced complex trauma. I have loved working in community based mental health, overseeing a therapeutic preschool program, consulting at Head Start and other preschools, and in non-public K-12 schools.

I am a graduate and current faculty mentor in the UC Davis-Napa Infant Parent Mental Health Fellowship. Through this fellowship, I am trained in the most current theory and practice regarding early childhood and family focused mental health. 

My goal is to hold a culturally humble and justice-oriented stance in all of my client and training interactions. I have woven my experience as a black woman and cultural humility trainer into all consultations and trainings to highlight the ways that our individual, family, workplace, and community cultures impact the way each of us see and do our work. 

Certifications & Trainings

  • CA Endorsed Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist

  • CA Endorsed Reflective Practice Facilitator II

  • USC Chan School of Occupational Science Sensory Integration

  • Bruce Perry's Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (practitioner & trainer)

  • Neurosequential Model of Reflection & Supervision

  • Brazelton's Neonatal Behavior Observation

  • NCAST Feeding Scale

  • Cultural Humility Trainer

  • Attachment, Regulation, Competence Framework

  • Collaborative Problem Solving

Experience in a nutshell

  • Administration of therapeutic preschool program & county Head Start Program

  • Reflective supervision for inter-disciplinary staff across multiple settings

  • Direct service with clients 3-15 years old, individual, dyadic, family

  • Consultation to psychotherapists, teachers, and managers regarding implementation of sensory strategies for children with traumatic histories to support self regulation

  • Ongoing consultation to Headstart and Early Headstart

  • Local, national, and international presentations of clinical work